About Lucai

Lung cancer is the second most prevalent cancer and the leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide. Notwithstanding, there is little data concerning the disease in Africa; particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Lack of objective diagnosis of cases amidst others have led to the prevailing belief that the disease is relatively rare in the sub-region.

The number of lung cancer cases seen in the respiratory clinic of the premier teaching hospital in Ghana, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH), has been increasing steadily¬ ─ accounting for 12.4% of all new cases seen over a 3-year period (2016-2018). This trend can be attributed to a number of factors including enhanced skill set of physicians, and the presence of advanced imaging modalities in the hospital. Being a major referral hospital in the country, this is likely a reflection of the rising burden of a disease characterized by poor prognosis in our communities.

The true burden of lung cancer is unknown in our setting and the disease was previously thought to be uncommon due to the relatively low smoking prevalence in Ghana.

LuCAI was therefore established in 2024 by a team of Pulmonologists and Researchers to;

1. Raise awareness of lung cancer in Ghana, particularly among health care professionals and members of the community

2. Promote early referrals of suspected lung cancer cases through the development of concise referral protocols.

3. Establish lung cancer networks in the various regions and districts to promote early case identification which will help determine the true burden of the disease.

4. Build local capacity of key health workers identified in the regions and districts.

5. Conduct further research in the area to feed clinicians and patients

6. Partner with TB units, Corporate Bodies, Government agencies and like entities to come up with differentials.